The Issues and Advocacy (I&A) Committee reviews issues and recommends advocacy programs to the LWV Huntington.
The committee meets monthly on Zoom on the second Monday of the month at 7 pm. Email the chair, Stephanie Quarles at to receive a zoom invite.
We encourage members to become specialists within a broad topic area. A specialist will review and monitor a specific issue in one of these topics:
The committee takes action to support the positions of the LWV of the US, the LWV of NY, and the LWV Suffolk County (ILO).
The committee has shared responsibilities with the LWV Suffolk County (ILO).
We also share responsibility with all the leagues within the state of NY for lobbying NYS Senators and Assembly persons within our district during the NYS budgeting process.
As an I&A committee member, you could be involved with the following:
- Visiting Elected Officials, town, county, state, and federal officials to advocate and exchange ideas.
- Participating in candidate election debates
- Monitoring news and advocating at Town Hall
- Researching issues
- Researching issues as a member of an LWV NYS committee.
- Conducting a ‘Take Action’ program on an issue.
- Conducting educational programs on issues and civics.
- Joining other leagues in Suffolk County for the Suffolk County Observer Corp and advocacy.
Latest News
Current Issues & Advocacy Educational programs include:
- ‘The Story of Plastic’, a partnership with several environmental groups to broadcast the impact of plastic pollution. The event includes a film and panel discussion featuring top influencers in legislative, advocate and educational arenas. This event is free and open to the public.
- I & A is currently working with the Voter Services Committee, on the News Literacy and Fake News Webinar, formerly a face-to-face event, it explores the differences between real news and fake news and the best methods for distinguishing between them.
League of Women Voters of Huntington