These are the key issues the Huntington League of Women Voters is following now:
- Press Release supporting Ban on Gas Leaf BlowersClick here for Press Release
- Statement to Suffolk County Legislature on Water QualityKeeping our waterways and drinking water clean is a critically important issue for ourselves, our children, and their children’s children. Residents should be allowed to vote this November on whether they want to invest in this effort. Professor Christopher Gobler from SUNY School of Maritime and Atmospheric Sciences says 75% of the nitrogen in our… Read more: Statement to Suffolk County Legislature on Water Quality
- Fair and Uniform RedistrictingCongressional districts and government legislative bodies should be based on population. We oppose partisan and racial gerrymandering. Position In Brief: To learn more:…
- Climate ChangeState and local Leagues, and individual League members, have a critical role to play in helping to limit future climate change and protect the planet. Position In Brief: The League is calling for prompt action to cut this country’s GHG emissions, invest in a clean energy economy, and help the world’s poorest countries tackle the… Read more: Climate Change
League of Women Voters of Huntington