Come Celebrate With Us

New for 2024 – Announcing the League Newsletter
League executives in collaboration with David Pinkowitz of DCP Marketing is proud to announce the creation of a bi-monthly newsletter containing informative articles and information of interest. Written by our Board member and Editor Frances Whittelsey, with input and articles of other league members, our goal is to better keep members and general public aware of latest election, political and related information. You can signup to automatically receive the newsletter by email by clicking the link below.
Click here to signup and view our latest Bi-Monthly Newsletter
Local League Members attend “Shining the Light”

Sponsored by the Huntington, Anti Bias Task force, These League members attended the meeting on February 1, 2024 continuing their commitment to our community
2024 is going to be a very busy year! Join the League and Volunteer in any way that you can to serve our community & get out the VOTE!
Set up our presence at various venues- Huntington Festival, Huntington Unity Fun Day, etc
- LWV will provide the names of all the venues we would like to participate in
- you will be responsible to contact the venues, fill out the application, submit it
- you will be responsible for scheduling volunteers- you do NOT need to attend the function
- expected time commitment is mostly seasonal- a few hours in the fall & spring
Participate in manning LWV table at various events- such as Cow Harbor Day
- you will be handing out information and asking people if they are registered to vote
- walking in Cow Harbor Day Parade- this is independent of working any tables
- expected time commitment- as little as (2) hours to as much time as you like- depends on how many events you would like to volunteer for
Register Young Voters
- attend events set up by youth committee & Voter Services to register students
- expected time commitment- as little as (2) hours to as much time as you like- depends on how many events you would like to volunteer for
Vote411 Local Election Researcher
- join the research team, and make sure we get complete information from the candidates for our online voter guide.
- expected time commitment- 1 to 2 hours a week for several weeks before elections
Board Observer
- monitor SC Legislature, Town of Huntington meetings, etc.
- attend meetings, email reports
- most of these meetings can be monitored online
- there are many other SC committee meetings such as agriculture/ education, etc. If this is what you are interested in, please feel free to monitor any one of them. We will give you the website info.
- expected time commitment- 2 to 4 hours a month (will vary depending on the length of meetings)
Attend Political Functions- such as LWV Representative
- attend events as a representative of the LWV- never anything to do with a candidate or partisan issue
- LWV will send out notices of all functions
- 2- 8 hours a year (this is purely a guess on my part), it depends on how many functions you would like to attend
LWV Huntington NY 2023 Holiday Party at Northport Yacht Club

The League of Women Voters of Huntington Board held their last meeting of the year, followed by the Holiday party where all members were invited to attend
2023 Recent Accomplishments
- Continual and active participation in promoting civic engagement!
- Registered approximately 1500 new voters, including High School Students, College Students and newly Naturalized Citizens in our area over the past year.
- Conducted two Meet the Candidate Events in October 2023 for Suffolk County Legislature Candidates and Huntington Town elected officials.
- Recorded and distributed Public Service Announcements to Get Out the Vote on Long Island. These PSAs aired on local radio stations and local colleges- thanks to Connoisseur Radio and Five Towns College. This resulted in reaching millions of LI residents. We also distributed the recordings to The LWVNY for further distribution.
- Supported The Environmental Bond Act for the November 2022 Election- which passed.
- Attended The New Citizen Swearing in Ceremonies at The Federal Courthouse and registered hundreds of New Citizens.
- Created, posted, and boosted numerous posts for social media to spread the word on Voter Registration Deadlines, Early Voting, Election Day, Meet the Candidate Events, and The Environmental Bond Act.
- Marched in 2022 Cow Harbor Day Parade and staffed an information table in the park.
- Participated in the LI Fall Festival in Huntington and staffed an information table.
- Participated in Environmental Fairs
- Participated in Block Parties and various Festivals in Babylon, Huntingtin and Adjacent areas.
- Met with Town and County Elected Officials to discuss LWV Legislative priorities and issues.
- Wrote letters and attended town Hall meetings to support removal of anti-abortion clause in town code.
2022 List of Accomplishments LWV Huntington Fall 2022 (September to November 8 th ) 2.5 months!
Voter Service Committee
- Voter Registrations, Suny Old Westbury, Suffolk County, Community College, any others
- MTC- in person at Five Towns, and viewed live on You Tube
- Connoisseur Radio recorded a PSA GOTV from LWV Huntington and has aired it to all of Long Island and Brooklyn. Estimated 1 million people repeatedly heard it since the week after Labor Day.
- Five Towns recorded an additional PSA GOTV message. This was sent to LWVNY and was distributed to all NYS local Leagues.
- 2 voter registrations at Farmingdale College
- 2 voter registrations at Brentwood.
- Registered 100’s of new citizens at Naturalization ceremony
- National voter registration Day events – 2 libraries and Huntington Housing Authority- 300+/- residents received texts or emails with our voter information
- Through our league phoneline we helped many local residents with their voting questions and issues.
- Delivered all our voting information, early voting dates and sites, flyers and a PowerPoint on voting information to all the libraries in the town of Huntington.
Youth Committee
- High Schools- Conducted social media contest, two entries,one winner at Brentwood, 7 students participated. All received certificates of Civic Engagement from LWV H
- Girl Scouts- Conducted a pilot workshop for 9-year olds in North Babylon Troop.
- Distributed Power Points for Vote 18 and How to Register to Vote to 15 local High Schools
Events Committee
- Cow Harbor, parade, and tabling, handed out Environment bond issue info, along with other voting information- 1 day
- Fall Festival- tabling, handed out environmental bond issue, along with other voting information- 2 days
- Environmental Fair – tabling, and distributed the environmental bond flyers- 1 day
- Annual Meeting- attended by 32 people, Raised TO COME
Letters and actions outcomes
- Housing Fee at Town Hall- voted down.
- Pregnancy Termination Restrictions- removed from town law.
- Letter to inform electorate about no shows at MTC being used to limit knowledge of candidates’ positions. Published in several local papers
Issues and Advocacy
- Environmental Bond Issue materials were obtained from the Citizens Campaign for the Environment and The Nature Conservancy. Approximately 1,000 were distributed
- Participated in two press releases representing the League, one in September and another in October with Citizens Campaign for the Environment
- Prepared and distributed the Meet the Candidate questions used at the MTC event. Also prepared Federal Level questions that were not used (due to the empty chair rule).
- Wrote a letter to the Town of Huntington Environmental Open Space and Park Fund Review Advisory Committee (EOSPA) recommending procedural changes to encourage transparency and better communication with the community.
- Members are working with Town of Huntington officials and committees to encourage composting.
- Coordinated election information for Vote411.
Social Media
Posted throughout election on Facebook, Instagram & Tik Tok